2022 has finally arrived and it’s time to make those resolutions and goals before returning back to work, so that you set yourself up for a super successful year ahead. Here at LodgeX we have put our thinking caps on and come up with our top suggestions for a better work life balance which will translate to you becoming an even better conveyancer this year.
Be kind to your colleagues
While looking out for your co-workers should always be a priority, COVID seems to be hanging around for a while longer in 2022, and that means we need to be more mindful of each other to stop the spread. This year we will once again need to keep our flexibility to the fore as we move back and forth from “in-office” to “working from home”. On top of that, we all know the proven steps we need to keep taking to look out for our colleagues this year – wearing a mask indoors, socially distancing, working from home if unwell. These are all simple measures which we can implement quickly and keep each other safe.
Learn to set & enforce boundaries
Working in a high-pressure industry with constant deadlines and limitations means we sometimes fail to set achievable boundaries for ourselves. Our work is conducted in a pressure cooker with countless moving pieces. Meeting deadlines is hard enough without the added pressures that we place on ourselves to do it all just so. Setting & enforcing boundaries allows us to recognize and establish the practices that prepare us to produce our best work.
Ask for help and seek efficient solutions
Just as with setting boundaries, there is no shame in asking for help. While a feeling of control over your workload provides comfort, it can sometimes hinder efficiency & quality of output. While it might be scary at first, there can be enormous time & cost savings if you can successfully hold onto the core functions of your role, while delegating mundane or repetitive time-consuming tasks to specialist process programs & tech solutions.
Assess what’s really important
Take a good look at your business. What really matters? Usually, it’s your clients and your co-workers. Without either, there would be no business. If you focus on building those relationships, they will return the greatest ROI of any of your investments. Trusting clients will be more likely to reach out with more projects, and appreciate the value of the relationship. Your trusting co-workers will share more stories, reach out more and build a deeper connection. Richer relationships will bring greater rewards.
Look after yourself
If there is anything to be learnt over the past two years, it’s that our health and time are the top priority. No one is going to thank you for working until 9.00-10.00pm for another night in a row because of all the mundane administrative tasks you need to complete to get those settlements over the line. You are important and your health is important. Prioritise yourself, and once you do, everything around you will improve.
It’s been a tough couple of years for most of us, so let’s start making changes this year for a better work life moving forward, to becoming a better conveyancer. Here at LodgeX we have developed the processes and systems combined with an award-winning tech solution to give you that helping hand, and take away the mundane part of your settlements, lodgements & conveyancing matters. It’s time to move on from more administrative processes and paperwork, and improve your productivity and business.
LodgeX’s solutions free up your time to prioritise on what really matters, and enable you set amazing and achievable goals for 2022 – goals centred around your clients and your life, to bring you greater rewards.
For more on how LodgeX solutions can set you up for success in 2022, and help you become a better conveyancer this year, contact our team now.
This post is written for the AICSA.